
Who could ask for anything more?

Uneasy Listening

Music videos, reviews and links to music worth listening to. Named after a radio show I once hosted. One of these days I will make a podcast of those old episodes.
Uneasy Listening

Laptop Studio

Music hardware and software reviews.
Laptop Studio

Erasure FAQ

Erasure are a synth-pop band from England with a great ear for catchy yet affecting melodies. To keep people informed about this unique duo, I maintain a (the?) Erasure FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) site.

Depeche Mode discographies

Depeche Mode used to be a synth-pop band from the UK. These days they sound full of doom and angst, brought on by bitter and painful obession; maybe this is what happens when people get old. Anyway, I have some Depeche Mode discography files to download and enjoy; they list a huge amount of information about bootleg remixes and live releases.